Saturday, September 28, 2013

Who is Responsible For Your Health Care?

Is anybody talking regarding this?

Health care was leading issues in the 08 presidential election. The extra the stock

market goes for haywire, the more people frightened and want the us government to step in.

There may be more than 47 million Americans which may be uninsured. Some of this is by choice - people who opted-out of their employer's program. Many of those are with class. As insurance expenditure rise, employers cut back up. The cry for Uncle Sam to behave grows louder.

I'm not convinced that the government may be possible to anything. Why shall we be talking about the govt . spending MORE tax dollars on health care reform for disease management, instead of talking about the need for individual responsibility for managing his own health?

Approximately 70% having to do with cancer is preventable
Hypotension can be managed holistically
Heart attack and cardiovascular disease is 100% llife related
Type 2 diabetes is because lifestyle and diet, genetics the very small role
Alzheimers are usually prevented with diet, lifestyle and supplementation
Allergies can be operated with supplementation and lifestyle changes.
ADD and ADHD can often be managed without drugs
Asthma is seen as a function of environment, u. g toxic chemicals inside your, and thus can be train on lifestyle changes.
Depression and anxiety at the moment are managed naturally in many cases.
Diseases brought on by obesity can be avoided completely by lifestyle and diet changes
Osteoporsis is opertation of childhood nutrition, calcium intake and employ. It is preventable.

What about diseases resulting from smoking, drug use and have excessive alcohol use as well as also multiple sex partners? Should those that don't do those ideas pay for the choices of those who do? Those are lots of OPTIONAL behaviors!

Our family has choice to invest about $1, 000 dollars 4 weeks in our supplementation, fitness and diet to prevent disease, improve human eye our health, and extend our life. While that may seem expensive to many, our medical costs and prescription drug abuse have been radically smaller.

Do I need to assert more? Nutritionists, holistic health practitioners and in addition some traditionally trained (allopathic) healthcare doctors have been saying for all his life that our disease rates are caused by our


Of course might be things that do involve medical intervention, accidents and the most injuries, and other condition beyond our control. The converter should have some form of health care insurance. But to talk about heath care treatment, without making the transmission central to individual modelling their lifestyle is happy.

Is there any candidate running for office have been around for that has the guts and also the integrity to say which health care issues don't seem to be the government's job, wedding and reception job of individuals? You need to for the conversation about health care for starters personal responsibility, not governmental payouts.

Karen Miner Hurd is a Longevity Coach and multilevel marketer since 1998, when she retired from her Advertising career to stay home with her 5 children. Her magical passion is Foxtrot textbooks. She and her husband Dale have a home in Virginia Beach, VA. Karen's health site and recommended products are found on her site: gohealthygo. com gohealthygo. net.

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