Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Insurance Companies and Universal Health Care

Insurance companies serve a crucial function in our environment. The purpose of insurance coverage is to share risk. Risk is many of these economic loss that someone would prefer to assume in an operation. For instance, a bank would not loan money contact lenses buying a house, unless property was protected against losses not to mention fire, wind and false perils. That protection takes place by a Homeowner's conceal.

A loan to purchase an automobile would not be available unless the printer was insured for lessening by theft or accident. That protection is brought an auto policy.

Health insurance is a policy that shares potential risk of losses caused by destroy or illness. A share with all the self-proclaimed risk is assumed by way of individual through a tax decuctible or co-pay. In-other-words, if an individual visits the doctor, that individual may be needed to pay the certainly $15 or $20 one's visit. The health insurance co assumes the risk of the remaining cost.

That shared risk comes about through an exchange of several 'consideration'. Consideration is capacity. The insured pays a premium in exchange for the promise of the insurance plan company to pay certain expenses associated with the insured's health care. Which brings us with their controversy surrounding the government's efforts to institute items some call universal health care insurance coverage.

No matter what distressing of the argument you are on, in favor or against universal proper care, one issue has recently been settled. President Obama stated publicly that no-one can insure the 'uninsured' lacking additional costs. So, the idea that this is often a 'deficit neutral' policy have been completely debunked by the governing administration itself. Either taxes go up to cover program, or health care will have to be rationed to keep service fees neutral, or bring your herbs down.

In response contained in the public out-cry about a government health program, the administration has and was the insurance companies villains. Naturally, insurance companies exclude preexisting conditions for some bad interval when an individual enrolls (however that is not always the case invest the group policies), and corporations are making a 'profit'.

PreExsiting Conditions

Think about the concept of risk and preexisting conditions that. An individual has a home that was damaged by fire. Would an individual's insurance company now earn a policy that would capacity repairs to home attributed to the preexisting fire? Of course not! That is not common risk, that is missing business.

An individual has a preexisting health condition, assert diabetes. Purchasing a policy would you exclude the treatment beyond diabetes for a limited bad interval (usually two years), now causes a shared risk. The insurance plan company will cover person for other perils, and if that individual pays the purchase price over time, that exclusion the actual preexisting condition is so therefore dropped.

Is it possible while the government to insure everyone across the country and force insurance origins to provide policies without regard to preexisting conditions? It is possible, but not without driving the cost of health-care way up. Naturally, the money to afford the doctors and hospitals require to come from somewhere and Obama stated that 'We are finally out money'. Since the government doesn't earn extra income, its only source of the company's revenue is taxes.


Insurance companies are being cast your bad guy since companies earn a living. Which do you go for, companies that are well run that earn a living, or a company most notably the General Motors that required billions of taxpayer money to bail all of out? A profit is what allows companies to expand services and offer jobs. Companies that fail to make a profit, go out-of-business.

The government not only fails to make a profit, as a well run business entity should, it runs at the deficit. The latest example is Meet the expense of Clunkers. Not only was taxpayer money no stranger to subsidize auto sales, now car lots are complaining that nation-wide politics is not sending the checks those Clunkers that were promised. It appears that many buyers will have lost their old cars also now face repossession of the most up-to-date cars purchased since the amount of money for the program didnt actually exist.

This won't bode well for a government run health system.

Tort Reform

Doctors and at hospitals must practice safeguards medicine. People will sam for anything. Tort lawyers locate a 'shot-gun' approach when professing a malpractice lawsuit. These doctors, nurses, technicians and hospitals involving a case are also known as a defendant, whether that party drunk any actual responsibility though the claimed injury and damage.

We need a loser pay system, which provides that anybody who brings a suit and loses, is were forced to pay the other side's lawyer fees and expenses. That would clear away most frivolous lawsuits and accept the costs of health grasp down.

Big Government Solution

Government should be required to live within its methods. It does not, also , the government, not insurance providers, is the villain within scenario.

The founding fathers didn't foresee a large, top rated centralized government. That is just what was the war linked to independence against England was something like. The US Constitution assigned specific powers to the federal government, and it does not specify principal any private sector industry.

Medicare and Medicaid are government health care programs going to collapse. Even President Obama admits Medicare cannot be sustained. No program tend to be sustained when it runs in your deficit and all government programs run ourite deficit.

Universal Health Care functions at a deficit from day one and that's just bad business.


Dr. Michael Birzon is an attorney and adjunct tutor with Florida Insurance University/University of the Central Florida. Dr. Birzon has litigated claims more than 30 years and is the author of the Registered Claims Adjuster Designation approved by the State of Florida. You might contact Dr. Birzon at age (407) 927-1235 or email at:

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