Saturday, February 16, 2013

What Will Our Health Insurance Look Like In 2050?

Health insurance in 2050. Major changes will certainly occur next 40 years. But I bet you did not realize how much insurance policy will change for individuals and families. Here's a tongue and cheek peek after some time of our health therapeutic approach system.

Obamacare is a foreign memory. Defunded and repealed plus 2013, the new national caution system is called Krukcare, named after an ex-major group baseball player that tenacious his life to reducing health and fitness cost and providing affordable coverage for all Americans.

Krukcare is backed from the law that requires all US citizens with an annual comprehensive physical overview of until age 50. After age 50, examinations are required every three months. Any individual that refuses to undergo a required physical is forcibly transfered to a detention camp in Wyoming for one month.

Krukcare provides 95% coverage to all or any approved major medical sentences, unscheduled office visits, safety expenses and prescriptions. A surgical procedure is excluded unless the insured has ended 70 years old. Any person under age 70 can be eligible for free cosmetic benefits only if they'd like to run a mile under six minutes.

The only major exclusion is treatment plan for Groats Disease, a debilitating condition that is described as silliness, delusions and regressive hobbies. It afflicts more than 500 persons every century and there is no known cure.

In 4 seasons 2050, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) no longer exist. Instead, a popular option carpeting Personal Retirement Account (PRA) and could withdraw funds tax-free inside of the account that finances their golden years. Since the average retirement age is 92, you have enough time to pay it to you personally. Medicare has been substituted by Medishare, which starts afterward you second Tuesday following regarding your 92nd birthday.

Although Green Cross, Aetna and UnitedHealthcare are maintained in business, the largest medical health insurance company is now "Green Fold, " a non-profit organization which utilizes no paper products. The standard Green Cross office has only "virtual" employees, sets their thermostat from the course of 50 degrees and attempts customers from taking showers above twice per month. Customers that wash their clothes in ice water are given a 25% discount in health insurance rates.

Since hovercraft have replaced cars the particular principal mode of truck, in 2050, you are accessed a 20% surcharge over a health insurance if you obtain more than twice daily. Hovercraft are safer, more fuel efficient and automatically transport your destination by simply pressing some control and waiting for checklist of supplies on-board computer to teach you your destination. Occasionally, in spite of that, errors are made and in turn of reaching Richmond, you can find yourself Rome.

Primary care physicians (PCP) have ended used. Instead, the B2-D4 robot coordinates your medicinal drugs. The robots are provided free within the health insurers and reportedly cut expenses by of over 40%. By emailing disorders to the robot, it will determine your best means by which. Every other Thursday, the robots need the most effective method preventive maintenance and medicinal drugs is not available on days past.

And finally, in 2050, short-term health insurance can be purchased in increments of hours, as opposed to months. Thus, if you need coverage for a couple hours while you rent bungee cord jumping, you are going to purchase a policy. Rates typically could depend on your age, current fitness status, and size through the refrigerator. For example, the right 40 year-old male the purchase two hours of catastrophic medical coverage for about 30 money. Of course, a $50 application fee must also be paid.

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