Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chocolate and Heart Health - Good News

Chocolate is now concerned as heart-healthy as red wine and green tea. All come with a sub-class of antioxidant polyphenols called flavanols, which deactivate the available radicals in blood.

Free radicals can oxidize the LDL (bad) cholesterol inside a blood and lead to clear plaque build-up, lesions, and "hardening of an arteries. " This process is often than a build-up of rust in a water pipe that eventually what causes blockage of the water flow.

Flavanols have also proven to stimulate producing nitric oxide gas, requires that relaxes and widens veins, allowing for the easy blood flow and reducing blood stimulate. In fact, one study showed that people who ate dark chocolate every day for in a blue moon saw a drop in hypertension. As with blood peril medication, when they ended eating the chocolate, their blood pressure went back up.

A joint US - Swedish study indicates that eating chocolate can help heart attack victims avoid death the single heart-related problems.

According to an article in the Write down of Internal Medicine, eating chocolate two or more times per week resulted in a 66% reduction roughly cardiac mortality. Eating dark, but eating it less than once a month, was associated with a true 27% reduction while per week led to a 44% reduction.

This is the steer study to follow people following a heart chaos. 1, 169 non-diabetic participants might be followed for 8 development after first completing a questionnaire to assess chocolate consumption during the course of 12 months.

While most studies have centered around consuming dark chocolate, this research did not note whether participants received dark or milk a cup of joe, or whether they dined on U. S. chocolate or that produced in european countries. U. S. milk chocolate need to have 10% cocoa solids and dark contains 15%. In european countries, milk chocolate contains 25% pinto and black beans solids while dark boasts 35%.

Of course, beneficial interest in chocolate is like beneficial use of red wine - both really should be to taken in moderation.

M. C. Cliff is a freelance copywriter having a strong interest in ignorant health. She enjoys writing for a lot of companies who promote great health through safe, natural products and practices. Marte's natural well-being site, www. pharmfreehealth. com www. pharmfreehealth. com, presents natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, health warnings, gossip about health-giving foods, and more.

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