Saturday, December 1, 2012

Your Health Care System:Critical Technology Sidetracked

If you were told your own highly advanced medical information system employing very latest in technologies are currently available that would dramatically get some new life--reducing both disease levels and price health care by over 40% what made? Your first thought would likely be one of extreme argument. What possible underlying basis could those system be based on the? Furthermore, if such a process were in fact possible i will likely learn of it over the current medical establishment.

There is always, of course, be many people elements involved, but before we try the other aspects of that system let's first just pinpoint the underlying core that such a system would be based on to check if in fact it would have merit in its own right.

This is obviously an integral in the development associated with the effective system.

That core of this system could be the extensive use of clinical laboratory science

So what is a clinical laboratory science (CLS) and why is it so great? Most of us are not familiar with CLS because the only exposure we have to it is through the body's doctor. Whenever we have a much questionable health problem our doctor will regularly run some lab tests--usually familiy line, urine, or tissue verification. The doctor orders the tests and also receives all the signifies the laboratories. For that reason anyone has very limited exposure to the industry and thus very limited knowledge of the marketplace.

CLS is a separate branch within current medical system, highly computerized plus a very rapidly advancing art. It now has numerous critical high quality tests available.

Why is CLS so effective precisely what are based on? It is based totally on the biochemical makeup of our body and has proven itself so that it will very effective after a few years within the current medical system by reliable science. It provides a chance to look directly into the skin for secrets not available by alternative means.

For direct information for the relationship of CLS to create biochemical makeup of the body please click on the link in late this article marked (page18). On this link includes statements and opinions with all the professionals in the health-related science profession. The professionals referenced combine text books found in the University of Michigan's Health related Library.

To go extra mile in order and see systems actual advances made if you happen to CLS, click on the link in late the article marked (pages43-47). No doubt by the dates related to these references that even these developments are generally outdated by now pondering CLS's rapid advancement.

So now you ask ,, is this a good solid basis wherever to develop an tough medical information system as well as her disease prevention and growth of wellness?

Personally, I decided it turned out. I believe it is really valuable and would form a unbelievable basis for your physician system beyond our craziest dreams. However, such a system require to be a highly classy national electronic processing personality, legislated into existence and at the mercy of the public through a percentage to be fully reliable. The system would act as a sophisticated information system as an addition to the current health notice system.

Over a 100 million total population are suffering with chronic disease--that exceeds one out of every three of us. Furthermore, most of these diseases are of the most serious nature, including the major end of life and crippling diseases that i am all too familiar with and excessively a witness to in our own family, circle of friends and neighbors.

Millions are truly suffering--and with most of these diseases, to often terribly.

And, it doesn't stop and control there, even those of us fortunate enough to avoid the diseases still need to live with the china ufo threat, along with the excessively pricey health care that such some disease creates-- causing an enormous amount of stress throughout the everything country.

At the Children of Michigan, not only was I believed i was very surprised regarding the amount of advanced analytical data We need to available within CLS our research, but I also thought it was very exciting, because I could see the great potential very easily such developments could provide significantly as health care. When one looks closely at their own this very extensive and superior analytical data on one hand, and the high levels of chronic disease and suffering on the other half, it becomes obvious that might know about need is some methods for harnessing these analytical participants and relating them directly to human health on a broad scale basis, for the intention of reducing chronic disease and raising command wellness.

It became obvious that to get a system that would take full advantage of such critical health manually record, provide maximum benefits against this public, while at the both time effectively working toward the present medical system, a very sophisticated digital processing system with some very special features. This would include special provisions to completely safeguard personal confidential exercise room records. Because of the complexity involved I came to be it necessary to provide it such as a book.

This system was assemble solely around the interests of the individual and the public and not around the needs of the medical profession and as a result your support is absolutely necessary whether it's to be successful. It's essential that for you (the public) extend the effort to research the system to see whether it has merit.

The question also arises why nothing has happened from your current medical system involving the introduction of such a disease proofing system? Is it just info or is it because each one of the huge income generated in today's health care field is via the evaluation and handle of disease--not in the prevention of disease or the public notices of wellness?

Furthermore, there may also be a more important factor involved here. Not only would a decent disease prevention system not generate extra earnings for the industry, and far worse, it would also severely undermine the huge income currently being through the current excessively several chronic disease.

I personally feel it's always sad indeed, having this huge function of vital health data basically sitting there underused considering the variety of unnecessary suffering going only.

I spent five goes researching and writing it. It is written designed for the layperson. No technical education is significant. For more information however proposed system and the author take a look here www. Newhealthcaresystem. net world wide web. Newhealthcaresystem. net

The link globally bio-chemical body www. vibranthealthplus. com/page18 web-based. vibranthealthplus. com/page18

The link during the CLS developments www. vibranthealthplus. com/pages43-47 web-based. vibranthealthplus. com/pages43-47

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