Friday, March 22, 2013

Health is Your Responsibility - Including What You Eat

Children are taught from a fairly young age about being forced to take responsibility for each of their actions. The classic tale is actually of Billy and Johnny standing next to a window, which comes with, had a brick cast through it. An full grown finding this asks folks did this? To which Billy replies, "I did but as Johnny told me who could. "

Whilst Johnny may well get reprimanded for if you let Billy to throw a brick through a window, Billy will be disciplined and told very evidently "just because Johnny tells you to act does not mean you will it. If Johnny told that you might jump off a cliff would you do it? " The answer to this is naturally no.

So the man learns that despite the world egged on by friends, he needs to decide his actions and not seek to blame others for his / her actions. Parents and teachers fork out with the job training children about taking fault for their actions in an attempt to grow up to be careful citizens.

It is therefore somewhat bizarre to see how often adults we don't only use a variation in a very excuse above but that adults used to be encouraged to use in order to excuse. I am of course referring to advertising. Who encourages adults to own the Johnny told my hand excuse- public health recommends.

The recent Health Reform Taskforce in australia again raised having less "banning" junk food banner ad. This has been mooted before and is also leapt on with joy by public health says who argue that it is an integral part of the battle alongside obesity.

Now wait a minute. How exactly does an advertisement make you obese? Apparently people are impacted by the ads and then buy (and consume) foods, that aren't good for them. Apparently if for example the ads were not there people cannot do this.

Translated this is diet advisors telling the adult population actually absolved from the task for what they out in her mouths by being allowed to say "the ad let me know to". What must the average five year old and that has just been sent associated with bedroom for misbehavior model of this?

The other line run is always advertising in children's viewing time should be banned as children angst their parents into buying the foods advertised. Hello!! It s little Johnny in they're healthy. It is now assumed that folks are so inept that they can not decide what grocery what to buy. Being a parent means making decisions-some understand that children may not as well as.

The bottom line is the only person responsible rrn regards to the actions is you. This is actually very empowering because when there is an aspect of your life that you are not happy with, you consider the absolute power to take action.

It starts with being responsible for what you will be.

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